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The knowledge of breathing. Real Street HookerBacking up anal on my hard c. Conclusion Prostitutes Lucheng conclusion, our study reported that low-tier FSWs who engaged in oral sex exhibited a profile of higher-risk behaviors such as early initiation of commercial sex, being more mobile, longer duration of sex work, more commercial clients, lower use of condoms and contraceptives, no use of contraception, and a reported history of STI symptoms Prostitutes Lucheng with other low-tier FSWs.

Oral sex practitioners among male college graduates have more sexual partners, more casual sexual partners, more sexual partners from other colleges, and from society, and use condoms less than those who do not Prostitutes Lucheng oral sex [ 21 ]. Therefore, it is important to investigate oral sex and related factors among low-tier FSWs, to help understand and create targeted intervention for this population.

The participants in this study came from a large cross-sectional study conducted in 21 counties Prostitutes Lucheng implemented the AIDS Care project in Zhejiang Province, from September to November The research method and a brief introduction to Zhejiang province and the AIDS Care project have Prostitutes Lucheng been introduced elsewhere [ 6 ].

All the counties participating in this study conducted a survey to confirm the location of low-tier FSWs in their area and then Prostitutes Lucheng a plan to complete this study. In total, low-tier FSWs participated. Prostitutes Lucheng interviews were conducted in a private, quiet space within the venues. The staff of local centers for disease control and prevention CDCswho were trained by research teams prior to the study, interviewed the participants using an anonymous questionnaire.

The study protocol including consent procedure Prostitutes Lucheng approved by the ethics committee of Zhejiang provincial center for disease prevention and control.

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The questionnaire used in this study was Prostitutes Lucheng based on instruments used for HIV sentinel surveillance among FSWs and reviews of domestic and foreign Prostitutes Lucheng regarding low-tier FSWs; it was then revised once more through repeated discussions within the research team and consultation with the staff of the CDCs who were responsible for behavioral interventions with Prostitutes Lucheng in the counties studied.

Finally, the questionnaire was modified through two pilot surveys with low-tier FSWs in two counties. Self-reported oral sex with commercial clients during the previous one month was used as a dependent variable in the analysis.

The scale measuring self-efficacy regarding condom use Prostitutes Lucheng of three statements addressing whether a participant could persuade a client to use a condom when a client Prostitutes Lucheng to do so during a sexual encounter, whether she could refuse sex when a client refused to use a condom, and whether she could insist on using a condom with clients every time.

The Prostitutes Lucheng of Prostitutes Lucheng oral sex and the frequency distributions of the independent variables were determined using bivariate analysis. Variables Prostitutes Lucheng as significantly associated with self-reported Prostitutes Lucheng sex in the bivariate analyses were then Prostitutes Lucheng into the logistic regression model to determine the independent contribution of each factor to predicting self-reported oral sex. Chi-square analysis was used to compare the difference between those who performed oral sex and those who did not.

A P -value of less than 0. The sociodemographic characteristics of the oral-sex group and non-oral sex group are described in Table 1. In total, of the participants, Overall, Prostitutes Lucheng Regarding education, In terms of financial status, The working venues for respondents were the street In total, participants Of those who had performed oral sex in this time period, Having seen a doctor during the previous six months was not associated with experience of oral sex.

To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first research of its kind to examine factors associated with oral sex among low-tier FSWs in China. We reported that the prevalence of oral sex practiced by low-tier FSWs in this study was Since we only measured this prevalence during the previous Prostitutes Lucheng, we are Prostitutes Lucheng able to compare this result with overseas FSWs [ Prostitutes Lucheng15 ] or those in China [ 16 ], nor could we compare these data with those of common Chinese people [ 1819 ], since previous studies have all used measures based on lifetime prevalence.

However, we believe that the relatively large sample size and relatively high prevalence of oral sex during the previous month among our participants could guarantee the generalizability of our study findings, and the comparability between the results of this study and other related literature.

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Another reason for the incomparability Prostitutes Lucheng the prevalence of oral sex between Prostitutes Lucheng study and other related studies is that these studies were conducted in different years following a revolution in sexual practices in China sinceand the subsequent dramatic increase in sexual behaviors traditionally adopted by few common people in China, Prostitutes Lucheng as oral and anal Prostitutes Lucheng [ 19 ].

We speculate that the prevalence of oral sex among FSWs might also have increased quickly due to this trend in these years. The amazing rise Prostitutes Lucheng prevalence of oral sex among FSWs, with a concomitant increase in pharyngeal gonorrhea, has been reported in Singapore [ 28 ], pointing to the importance of this study.

Our study Prostitutes Lucheng that 2. The income of those low-tier FSWs who practice oral sex is lower than those not performing oral sex in our study, implying that the economic situation of oral sex practitioners might be worse than that of other low-tier FSWs.

FSWs were highly Prostitutes Lucheng, with reasons for changing residence and working locations most commonly related to increasing income. FSWs working in higher risk venues where they charge less have many characteristics in common with HIV positive and drug using FSWs, who have been found to be more mobile than those from other Prostitutes Lucheng [ 11 ].

Our results indicate a significant association between occurrence of oral sex and longer duration of sex work.

Prolonged length of sex work might increase the likelihood of oral sex; however, longer duration of sex work is an independent risk factor for STIs [ 32 ] and HIV infection [ 33 ].

We further compare the difference between those FSWs who engaged in commercial sex for 1—12 months and those who have practiced for over 12 months, and found that FSWs who Prostitutes Lucheng been engaged in sex work for a long duration were Prostitutes Lucheng likely to have had over 15 sexual clients We found that those who practiced oral sex were more likely to report ever having been diagnosed with an STI among FSWs who had seen a doctor during the previous half year in the bivariate analysis.

This study Prostitutes Lucheng further evidence that oral sex practitioners are more likely to report STI-related symptoms. We concluded, therefore, that of low-tier FSWs, oral sex practitioners are more vulnerable to STI infection than those who do not practice oral sex. It is well understood Prostitutes Lucheng the risk of HIV infection and transmission during anal sex is significantly higher than during vaginal sex [ 37 — 39 ]. These FSWs might Prostitutes Lucheng both oral and anal sex with their clients because they are more obedient to client requests in order to secure a deal in the Prostitutes Lucheng trade, emphasizing that HIV prevention interventions should not ignore those practicing oral and anal intercourse to prevent HIV transmission.

Our study demonstrated that oral sex is a strong indicator of lower age of first instance of commercial sex, consistent with a previous Chinese study that oral sex practitioners are more likely to initiate sex at a younger age [ 17 ]. Sex initiation at a lower age has been confirmed to be Prostitutes Lucheng to having more sexual partners, having sex more frequently, diagnosis with an STI, history of pregnancy, induced abortion, and less condom and oral contraceptive use, compared with Prostitutes Lucheng initiators [ 4041 ].

Early age of sex initiation is also a predictor of HIV infection among sex workers in the Chinese literature [ 42 ]. There is more evidence to support the above arguments. In this study, oral sex practitioners are related to less use of condoms or oral contraceptives during the previous month and contraception use.

Oral sex practitioners are mostly at the reproductive age. These results indicate a relatively low awareness of reproductive health, and a large unmet need in this respect in this group of low-tier FSWs, underscoring the need to expand FSW-friendly reproductive health services in Zhejiang province.

The structural interventions, such as increasing condom availability in sex trade establishments, distribution Prostitutes Lucheng condoms free of charge by outreach workers, accessible reproductive-health services, and provision of reproductive health Prostitutes Lucheng may improve their reproductive health Prostitutes Lucheng.

Sixteen percent of oral sex practitioners had used condoms consistently during their commercial sex in the previous month versus However, our multivariate analysis indicates that oral sex practitioners did not increase their likelihood of self-efficacy for condom use and risk perception for HIV and STI infection. Low condom use is common among FSWs in China [ 16 ]. Only a small proportion of FSWs have access to condoms Prostitutes Lucheng their sex trade places [ 44 ], with the majority of women having to buy condoms themselves [ 16 ].

Half Prostitutes Lucheng FSWs had had the experience of condom breakage or slippage during sex [ 16 ]. Their lack of negotiating power and fear of losing clients resulted in low condom use among FSWs [ 45 ].

Low-tier FSWs Prostitutes Lucheng a lower rate of condom use than higher tier FSWs, perhaps driven by the desire for more clients and higher trade fees, and hampered by their limited ability to negotiate for Prostitutes Lucheng sex practices [ 892946 ]. Therefore, comprehensive intervention with multiple components, including addressing the barriers to condom use mentioned above, should be carried out among oral sex practitioners of low-tier FSWs.

Multiple session interventions may be required as the condom use is so low in this group, and multiple session intervention has been found to be more effective than single session Prostitutes Lucheng for increasing condom use among FSWs [ 47 ].

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We are not clear about the rate of condom use in oral sex, but could speculate that oral sex is much less protected than other sex practices. Foreign studies have shown that oral sex among FSWs and their clients is less protected [ 1415 Prostitutes Lucheng. One Chinese study revealed that Oral sex is also associated with more commercial clients in this study. These FSWs also place more Prostitutes Lucheng at risk of infection once infected. This Prostitutes Lucheng offers new insights into the oral sex related factors among Chinese FSWs.

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Our study is subject to several limitations, however. First, the cross-sectional nature of this study did not allow cause-and-effect relationships to be established Prostitutes Lucheng low-tier FSWs engaged in oral sex and risk behaviors.

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Second, we conducted this Prostitutes Lucheng in 21 counties during a limited time period, and the FSWs included in Prostitutes Lucheng study may have been more accessible and more willing to participate. The results presented in this article may not be generalizable to the whole province or to China. Third, our findings may be limited Prostitutes Lucheng the validity of self-reported measures, as our questionnaire contained some sensitive sexual behavior questions [ 48 ], and social desirability may have resulted in over- or under-reporting of sexual behaviors.

The questionnaire used in this study was developed based on instruments used for HIV sentinel surveillance among FSWs and reviews of domestic and foreign literature regarding low-tier FSWs; it was then revised once more through repeated discussions within the research team and consultation with the staff of the CDCs who were responsible for behavioral interventions with FSWs in the counties studied.

Fourth, recall bias may occur to FSWs in our study, due to their education status and working environment, though we tried to interview them on sexual behaviors mainly in the previous month. In conclusion, our study reported that low-tier FSWs who engaged in oral sex exhibited a profile of higher-risk behaviors such as early initiation of commercial Prostitutes Lucheng, being more mobile, longer duration of sex work, more commercial clients, lower use of condoms and contraceptives, no use of contraception, and a reported history of STI symptoms compared with other low-tier FSWs.

Prevention programs targeting low-tier FSWs working on streets, at hair salons, in roadside shops, and in other venues Prostitutes Lucheng specifically target low-tier FSWs who practice oral sex, should carefully take into account the characteristics of these FSWs, provide risk awareness education and training for condom use negotiation, and promote the availability Prostitutes Lucheng condom and reproductive health care, timely Prostitutes Lucheng, and treatment of STIs.

The research sites were 21 counties in Prostitutes Lucheng province, where the AIDS Care project, a pilot program initiated by the national Ministry of Health Prostitutes Lucheng the provincial Bureau of Health to support and promote HIV prevention policy-making, HIV-related education, behavioural interventions, counselling and screening, antiretroviral treatments, and so on were implemented.

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This study was one Prostitutes Lucheng these series of activities. Yiwu city, Longyou County, Kecheng District for their contributions in the field implementation of this study. The authors also thank the FSWs participants of this study for their time and willingness of information sharing. Browse Subject Prostitutes Lucheng Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. Abstract Objectives Oral sex and its associated factors among low-tier female sex workers FSWs have not been documented Prostitutes Lucheng the Chinese literature.

Methods The data were derived from a large cross-sectional study conducted among low-tier FSWs using a structured questionnaire Prostitutes Lucheng 21 counties in Zhejiang province, China. Results Of all participants, Funding: The author s received no specific funding for this work.

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Introduction Female sexual workers FSWs are Prostitutes Lucheng high-risk population for human immunodeficiency HIV infections, and require intervention compared to the general female population.

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